Adult Feature Dani Daniels 2018

Adult Film Superstar


Appearing Live, Friday, September 28th

“I got into the business to pay off art school debt and safely explore my curiosity and love of women. I was a bisexual, curious stripper after college, and I remember dancing on stage and overhearing two men talking about a girl-girl only performer. I chimed in, “Wait, you can just fuck girls? I thought you had to do everything in porn!” I left that week for LA, researched and signed with my agent, and fucked as many girls as I could get my hands on. I loved and love every second of it. Four years passed and I was quickly one of the top performers in the girl-girl industry, and then behind everyone’s back I did my first boy-girl showcase movie, “Dani Daniels Deeper,” with friend Mason of Elegant Angel. My girl-girl fans, as well as the industry, were stunned (most girls shop around companies to get as much money as possible, but I just went to the director and company I knew would make the movie I wanted). Why did I do it? Because I didn’t have to. There is an usual fear of women in this industry getting “shot out” and “having to do boys, and then anal, and then a D.P…” and then next thing you know you’re doing a gang bang with 10 guys wondering wtf happened. Not that that’s a bad thing at all I just always have believed you should do what you love to do in porn, not what you “have” to do or what you “should” do. People think you have to have this order of what you shoot in what time period to last and to be honest I think it’s all bullshit. I think you should do what you love and fans will watch you enjoying what you love and then you will continue to get booked for what you love, not fake though a scene you’re not into that comes out obvious when fan’s watch the scene. Anyway, back to why. I was at the top of my girl-girl career and remember thinking to myself, “I don’t HAVE to do boys, I WANT to.” I met about 12 male talents on sets that I had chemistry and attraction to, developed a “Yes” list of male talents (the first time done in the industry, my agent thought I was crazy at the time) and shot an incredible award wining showcase. I can’t give Mason enough thanks for letting me shoot what I wanted to shoot with whom I wanted and causing me to fall in love with filming. Now, six years after my start of porn, I’ve won countless awards including Performer of The Year, I still love and enjoy filming sex scenes with men and women, traveling all over the world to do it, and I even direct for and I also feature dance just about every weekend (my feature dance agents fill just about every weekend I give them) and love meeting my fans in person and sharing experiences and stories with them. In my free time I am an established painter ( and and I am working on getting my pilots licenses to fly private jets. But not to worry, I have no plans on quitting porn anytime soon. I constantly thank my fans and my luck as well as pinch myself to see if I am dreaming, because I love my life! Performing, directing, orgasming, connecting with my fans, and now running my own website? Life can seriously not get any sweeter. I am a firm believer in “Do what you love, don’t let anyone talk you into what you don’t love with money or promises.” Thank YOU so much for watching my porn and giving me the experiences of a hundred lifetimes. I can’t thank you enough.” -Dani

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